3 Tips for Leaving Your Comfort Zone Regularly

A few weeks ago I chatted with fitness icon Tony Little on Twitter.

Yep….the “Technique! Technique!” and “You can do it!” guy.

He may have been the most energetic fitness guru ever. Plus he has inspired tens of millions of people worldwide to be fit. He is iconic.

Tony and I exchanged tweets, and after chatting about success, he tweeted back to me…”Yeah, but it is SO hard sometimes.”

There you go. One of the greatest icons in fitness, ever, who has inspired 45,000,000 people to be fit, according to his site, and this incredibly successful guy professes he still finds it difficult to leave his comfort zone, sometimes.

Leaving your comfort zone helps you grow and succeed. Every dream manifests well outside of your comfort zone. No one succeeds unless they make freeing, fun, and sometimes highly uncomfortable choices consistently.

But like Tony said, sometimes it really is SO hard to grow and succeed by exiting your comfort zone.

Follow these 3 tips to see greater success by learning to leave your comfort zone.

1: See What You Are Getting Not What You Are Appearing to Lose

I had a blast today watching my 3-year-old niece.

But after 9 hours of continual fun, laughs and yes, endless engagement, I feel a bit exhausted. Factor in how I wrote 4 blog posts while caring for an endlessly curious, precocious kid, and I feel like I got hit by a truck.

At 9 PM, a part of me feels like I lost the opportunity to watch my beloved Netflix tonight for some R and R, but I know that in reality, I am gaining a chance to inspire you, to help Don with a guest post and to garner greater exposure by writing this guest post.

“Sacrifice is releasing something of a lower nature to make room for something of a higher nature.” ~ Leland Val Van De Wall

You may feel super uncomfortable right now because you appear to be losing something but what you gain through growth, service, and fulfillment means infinitely more to you and to people whose lives you touch.

Focus on your goals, hopes, and dreams to leave your comfort zone more regularly.

2: Know How Every Successful Human Feels Uncomfortable Sometimes

I mentioned Tony Robbins as a prime example of an iconic person who struggles to leave his comfort zone sometimes.

I once read how the Dalai Lama shared how he felt genuinely sad after his brother’s passing. Imagine an enlightened being who freely admits he felt upset. Of course, he would feel upset; he’s human. This proves he feels uncomfortable sometimes. But His Holiness also made a joke about how if you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito in the room. I found this funny and also indicative that an enlightened being gets annoyed, agitated, and disturbed by a buzzing skeeter. He feels uncomfortable, like any human, when a mosquito buzzes by his ears in darkness.

If the Dalai Lama gets uncomfortable sometimes, so will you. The man began his spiritual training at 3 years old and meditates 8 hours every day. You better believe you will leave your comfort zone, again and again, to grow and progress in life.

3: Understand the Illusory Nature of Fear

A Course in Miracles teaches how only love is real. This teaching also stresses how fear is an illusion. Fear is not really there.

The next time you leave your comfort zone and feel some mild, moderate or deep fear, repeat the mantra to self, “Fear is an illusion. Only love is real.”

I experienced a few death-defying situations during my 8 years of circling the globe. I almost died from dehydration after suffering through giardia in India, I faced down a spitting cobra in Bali, and I sat in a cage with three, 400-pound tigers in Thailand. Each experience made me exquisitely intimate with my deepest terrors, my most horrifying fears. I felt the profound grief of life leaving my body in India, but in the same breath, I observed the illusion that a soul in a human body can actually die.  After the initial fear of being attacked and eaten by the massive tigers subsided, I felt the illusion vanish, being replaced with the idea that if I had no fear of the cats, and just love for the cats, that it would be impossible for them to harm me.

Every animal we fear just mirrors our fear back to us. No wild animal can harm you if you have zero fear of the wild animal. Again; this shows fear is an illusion, and only love is real. Every being simply reflects your predominant fear or love, back to you, being a mirror.

Note; do not try this at home. Minus a few enlightened humans who have conquered fear, I do not suggest facing down a spitting cobra. Simply know that I have read many encounters between fear-less holy men and allegedly deadly wild animals, and the creatures never bothered a fearless, poised, calm, serene, loving, enlightened being.

Conquering your fear for personal development - cobra illustration

Do NOT try facing down a cobra at home

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Fear is not real. Fear is something the mind makes up to pull you away from who you really are.

Knowing the illusory nature of fear makes it easier to leave your comfort zone consistently.

Leaving Your Comfort Zone Is 100% Worth It Every Time.

Always remember why you leave your comfort zone.

Punishment is not the end game. Being terrified is not the goal. Remember why you leave your comfort zone. Following your dreams, having fun, helping people, and being a bright light for humanity is 100% worth the discomfort.

About the Author: Ryan Biddulph helps you become a successful blogger at Blogging From Paradise.

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/07/3-tips-for-leaving-your-comfort-zone.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/186304327184

Have you lost more than fifty pounds? I want your story!

I’m working on a new book and am looking for stories from people who have lost at least fifty pounds. I will select the top fifty entries for the book, and the top two will receive a vacation stay!

Click on the picture or use the form at the bottom to get all the details and a suggested outline for your story!

Send in your weight loss story for the chance to win a vacation!

Continue Reading »

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/07/have-you-lost-more-than-fifty-pounds-i.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/186213645029

3 Things I Learned by Working with Multi-Millionaires

As an executive coach, business owner, and former bank director, I’ve had the pleasure of working with and becoming friends with several multi-millionaires, and even decamillionaires. Here are three things I’ve learned from my time with them.

1. Decamillionaires Do Not Become Rich Solely by Saving

The evil Mr. Scrooge, pinching every penny. That’s how the media portrays the rich. The fact of the matter is that if you think pinching every penny will get you to a ten million dollar or higher net worth; you’d better check your math.

To save ten million dollars, you’ll need to save $100,000 a year for the next 100 YEARS. Invest that same $100,000 each year in the stock market with an average return of 7%, and it will still take you thirty.

Note, that’s SAVINGS, I didn’t say MAKING $100,000 a year. You could become a millionaire by skipping the $7 a day Starbucks habit and investing that $2,500 a year into the stock market…in about fifty years, but you’re not going to get to ten million.

These people do things differently. They’ve learned to invest in their earning potential and sell value rather than time. None of the ones I know inherited their wealth either, in fact, many had little to no financial help from mom or dad.

2. Multi-Millionaires are Usually Generous

The multi-millionaires I know are quite generous, behind the scenes. These people are the ones who practically single-handedly fund entire charitable organizations, and are usually well respected in the community. They’ve invested in skills and assets that allow them to generate wealth, so have transitioned to an abundance rather than a scarcity mindset. They’re usually very likable and honest people because that’s part of the secret of becoming wealthy – others do business with people they like and trust.

It is true that the millionaires I know rarely give out money to individuals unless they are paying for a service or product. They’ve learned, often quite painfully, that giving money to others changes the dynamic of the relationship. If it’s a loan, then there is a good chance the recipient will not repay the loan, especially if they do not believe it will have significant consequences for the lender. When that happens, the borrower may start avoiding the lender, and the lender gets annoyed that the borrower did not follow up on his/her promises. If it’s a gift, then often the other person starts to either feel inferior because they needed the money, or begins to feel entitled, becomes dependent, and gets angry when the “rich” person stops handing out gifts. It’s a vicious cycle.

Worse yet, the borrower or gift recipient may tell other people, often innocently because they are grateful for the favor, and then suddenly everyone wants a handout. Worst of all, the gift doesn’t even help that much, because the person who needed the money didn’t learn anything about how money works. It’s like giving someone a fish but not teaching them how to fish, all they learned is who to ask for fish or in this case money.

3. You Probably Know Some Millionaires

According to a recent article on the New York Post, roughly 3% of Americans qualify as a millionaire, not including the value of their primary residence. That means for every hundred people you know, three of them are likely to be millionaires.

In my experience, it is nearly impossible to tell who these people are just by looking at them. The guy you run into in the convenience store driving a Toyota Camry wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt is just about as likely to be a millionaire as the guy in the suit you just met at your last networking event who is driving a BMW.

Ok, the BMW guy in a suit at a professional networking event is a little more likely to be a millionaire than a random guy you meet on the street, but my point is that you can’t tell someone’s net worth by looking at what they wear or drive. While they will likely still dress up appropriately for a formal meeting or event and may even drive fancy cars or live in beautiful houses if they enjoy them, these people do not need status symbols; they have nothing to prove, at least on the wealth side of things.

They don’t generally post pictures with their rented Lamborghinis and don’t flaunt their money for many reasons, just like you wouldn’t take out your wallet full of hundred dollar bills and flash it around at a party for obvious reasons. There is just quiet confidence about these people that you start to detect once you’ve been around enough of them. They are people, just like you and me. They cry when a loved one dies or hurts them, they get a bruise when they slip and fall on the ice, just like we do. Wealth does not make you a better or worse human being; it just makes it a little easier to buy the items you want, support the causes you like, and do what you want to do.

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/07/3-things-i-learned-by-working-with.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/186138812719

How Meditation and Mindfulness Helps Us Achieve Personal Growth

The beauty of meditation is that it helps us bring our mind and awareness back to the present moment. We spend so much time ruminating over the past or worrying about the future, that we are neglecting to seize the moment, and we forget that all we have at any one time, is the present.

If we are rooted in the present moment, not only does life’s beauty and intricacy become more apparent, we are also calmer and happier, we can think more clearly and be more productive.

Whereas if we allow ourselves to get carried away with our thoughts, our mind becomes clouded, this over time can give rise to feelings of anxiety or depression and make us more prone to making mistakes, which can in turn lower our self-esteem. The power of being present in this respect cannot be underestimated.

Who would have thought that something so seemingly simple could have the power to transform our lives?

A life-changing practice

When you practice mindfulness and meditation regularly, it has the effect of bringing more awareness to any negative thought patterns, bad habits, or addictions that we may have. These negative thoughts and behaviors, if left to run riot, hold us back in life and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

Meditation provides us with an opportunity to step back and look at our thoughts and behaviors from an objective standpoint. Bringing this to our awareness helps to put us back in the driver’s seat and regain control.

The link between mindfulness and gratitude

Over time, through mindfulness and meditation practice, we slowly start to rid our mind and body of any lingering agitation or irritability. We become calmer, begin to connect with our breath, and realize that there is a well of calm and stability already present inside of us. This has the effect of making us feel more grounded, self-assured, and with that, more grateful for the small blessings in life.

Whether it be the rise and fall of our chest as we breathe, the sound of birdsong or the smell of a rose, we can learn to find joy in the small things. The world is brought to life and takes on a whole new meaning.

Meditation for personal growth

Meditation and mindfulness is an excellent tool for personal growth for many reasons;

  • Regular practice improves your ability to focus and capacity for concentration, helping you become more productive and able to achieve your goals.
  • Becoming more aware of our habits and thought patterns helps us recognize what is holding us back in life so we can work towards removing any obstacles to success.
  • It helps make us more creative and flexible in our thinking – studies show that regular practice improves problem-solving abilities and our ability to conceive of novel and original ideas.
  • It can help us become more empathetic, emotionally resilient, and improve our communication. This supports our emotional well-being and can help us develop and cultivate long-lasting relationships with others.

In summary, meditation and mindfulness help us live life to the fullest. It can help us truly connect with what matters in life and make us happier, healthier, and more content with what we have. Regular practice will gradually enable us to clarify what our goals are in life and provide us with the tools that we need to achieve them.

About the Author: Katlyn Phelps is a freelance writer and editor who has spent most of her career working as a life coach and counselor.

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/07/how-meditation-and-mindfulness-helps-us.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/186028043684

What happens when you get past a million views on your blog

Pageviews all time history: 1,000,102 - passing a million views on a blog

Sometime this morning this website, which started as a personal blog where I shared some of my experiences and blossomed into a community of people interested in personal development, passed a million views. I had already reached that milestone many times over on several of my social media profiles, but this was on the core website.

A million views is a number that is hard to comprehend for most people, we toss out a million like it’s no big deal. It’s a milestone that seems small today when giants like The Huffington Post receive several times that many visits in a month.

The reality is that if you met one new person every hour, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, it would take you 114 YEARS to reach that many people. For a guy who never originally planned to do much more than share some lessons he had learned over the years from running businesses and raising kids and doesn’t have a staff of thousands like those big guys, it’s pretty neat to see.

So what happens when you pass a million views on your blog? Not much. There weren’t any trumpets blaring, no celebration, no party. It’s like how millionaires explain passing a million dollar net worth. One day they look at their finances and go; “Oh, I’m a millionaire now. That’s cool. What’s for lunch?”

I’m past a million readers now. That’s cool. Thanks guys :). What’s for lunch?

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/06/what-happens-when-you-get-past-million.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/185911514234

Why the idea “you can’t have your cake and eat it too” is a poor way to live life

You have probably heard the saying, “you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” What it means is that you can’t enjoy two desirable but mutually exclusive alternatives. You can’t eat your cake and have that same cake look like new.

“You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

The problem with this in practical life is that it defeats the entire purpose of having the proverbial “cake.” Why would you buy a cake if not to enjoy it? Many of us have had the experience of buying a cake for a birthday party, then you bring home the leftovers, they go moldy, and you eventually throw them out. If you were to not eat the cake at all, it would spoil, and defeat the entire purpose of having the cake in the first place.

What many fail to realize is that while it’s true that you can’t eat a cake and still have it, you can almost always get another cake. Not eating it, not enjoying the fruits of your labor, is an excellent way for that “cake” to mold and later become useless to you. I used to try and get by without spending any money on anything, and I still try to be frugal, but that’s a scarcity mindset. That mindset says that we will never get another “cake” so we must protect what we have, and ignores the fact that we make money so that we can enjoy it and often spending money on the right things leads to making even more money.

Jim Collins and Jerry Porras revealed in Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies that great companies have learned to embrace the AND rather than be ruled by the OR, meaning they realize that most of the time they don’t always have to choose between two seemingly excellent alternatives, they pick them both.

The scarcity mindset is a whole other topic which could take up a book, but think for a moment about someone who has ten million dollars. Except in very rare instances, they didn’t get there merely by saving every penny, because the math on that one is you’d have to save up for a hundred years if you put in $100,000 a year, or thirty years if you invested $100,000 a year at a compound interest rate of 7% which is the average stock market return. No, those people have learned how to eat their cake and make more cakes.

In business, in life, learn to enjoy your “cake” today, while it’s fresh. You will never get time back with your kids, which is why I took mine on vacation last week and will take another one soon. You never know when your health may fail as well, so do things you want to do while you’re still healthy.

You will never get very far in business if you hoard your money and refuse to invest it in the tools and skills you need to get more business either. You don’t want to eat cake every day, but if you have it, please don’t wait too long to eat it before it goes bad. Share it with others, that’s what cake is meant for, to be shared and enjoyed today. Learn to enjoy what you have today rather than worry about losing it. Holding on too tight is an excellent way for good things to spoil. Tomorrow you can bake or buy a new cake, or maybe you’ll even get lucky, and someone will make you a cake to enjoy because you did that for someone else.

Family vacation

Some photos from our recent vacation

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/06/why-idea-you-cant-have-your-cake-and.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/185843324239

Personal Development Book of the Month: Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Born in a year of famine in a tiny Austrian town to becoming one of the most widely recognized names on the planet, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s life story is a study in what it takes to become the best, and some of the pitfalls along the way. Seven-time Mr. Olympia winner, four-time Mr. Universe winner, Golden Globe winner, former governor of California which would be ranked as the world’s fifth largest economy if it were a sovereign nation, a long list of successful action movies, the successes Schwarzenegger has had would take many pages to list.

He also struggled like most of us do, going through a divorce, leaving behind friends and family to move to an unfamiliar country, heart problems, money problems, and losing loved ones to name a few of his challenges.

I hope you’ll enjoy this book as much as I did. As you read this one, write down lessons you’ve learned from Schwarzenegger’s story, then share your thoughts with our Facebook group (can join that by clicking here).

Continue Reading »

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/06/personal-development-book-of-month.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/185733733414

Revenue vs Net Income: What Most Coaches Won’t Tell You About Running Your Own Business

You probably have run into an ad like this:

“I made six figures running my own business, click here to learn how you can do the same!”

When I see this through the eyes of someone who runs a multi-million dollar business and regularly signs off on five-figure checks, I have to question whether that’s revenue (most likely especially since it’s an ad) or net income. It makes me roll my eyes, that’s not much of a business, it’s a guy working out of his garage, probably working all hours of the day stressed out making less than he did in his 8-5 job.

The reality is that only hitting low six figures in revenue as a business owner means that a lot of regular employees are making more than you are. It’s why doctors often sell out their practice to hospitals, they want to practice medicine, and have realized that going on their own comes with a lot of headaches plus may not even pay better.

So why is that? Isn’t $100,000 or $200,000 a lot of money?

Sure it is, and it’s a good sign that you have the foundation for a scalable business if you can get that much revenue coming in. But let’s take a typical example of a coach, we’ll call him Fred.

Fred working from home as a coach

“Fred” working out of his house

Fred is making good money at a company but wants the freedom he keeps reading about from all these coaches and bloggers out there who are making the independent lifestyle look amazing and decides to strike out on his own as a coach. At first, it’s tough to get clients, but eventually, after he hires a coach himself and learns how to get leads, he starts signing up clients.

After many months of struggling, Fred finally breaks the six-figure mark but then realizes something. He is bringing home significantly LESS than what he made working at his regular job while working many more hours, especially after he got that massive tax bill and a penalty from the IRS for not paying quarterly estimated taxes and being properly registered to do business in his state (ouch, harsh lesson Fred, welcome to being a business owner). After a few years, he may even return to work, realizing it is less stress than owning his own business.

I hate to hear stories like that because people like Fred are making a massive difference in the world by helping people, and it is possible to live the traveling lifestyle as people like Ryan from Blogging from Paradise have proved, but it happens every day. Why would Fred close down shop if he’s making six figures a year and loves helping others? That’s pretty good, right?

The reason people like Fred close up shop is that there’s a massive difference between revenue and net income, but they didn’t fully understand that when creating a business plan. As an employee, Fred didn’t see any of those hidden expenses like the cost of goods, sales & marketing costs, registration costs, legal fees, insurance, rent, utilities, equipment purchases, software fees, travel fees, depreciation, interest fees, or any other of the long laundry list of expenses that business owners incur. He didn’t realize that to produce six figures in his pocket; he might need to create five or even ten times that amount in top-line revenue, so didn’t plan out how he was going to do that. He also didn’t realize that he might have to make a lot of adjustments to his lifestyle to afford to build his business and that creating a business from scratch is more than a full-time job in the beginning.

Had Fred stuck with it a few years longer and invested in learning more about how to run a real business rather than just creating a low paying high-stress job for himself, he probably would have been thrilled with the lifestyle he had created. Unfortunately, as Bill Gates said, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” -Bill Gates

I can tell you how to make a ten million dollar business this year, guaranteed. Spend twenty million in ads, and sell two hundred dollars worth of stuff for a hundred dollars each. Voila, congrats, you can say you have a business with a revenue stream of ten million. You also have 100,000 customers to deal with, and you took a twenty million dollar loss buying all that stuff and paying for the advertising. That’s not to mention the fact that you probably had to hire employees and they want raises because business is doing so good, after all, they are working hard filling orders and can see all the money flowing in, right?

My point is your top line revenue is essential, yes, but ultimately profit is king, and it’s probably going to take you a whole lot more cash coming in than you expect to cover your expenses so that you can hit your goals. Being a business owner can be incredibly rewarding, plus ultimately give you more freedom and income than any job, but if your aim is only to produce $100k in revenue and you haven’t thought through if you can truly live on what the bottom line will be or how many hours you’ll have to work to get to where you want using your current strategy, you probably need to rework your business plan a little.

About the Author: Don Smith is the founder of The Personal Growth Channel LLC, father of five, and also runs an IT company which provides recording systems for mission-critical applications. He coaches busy entrepreneurs on how to take back their time and take their business to the next level. If that sounds like you, click here to schedule a session today.

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/06/revenue-vs-net-income-what-most-coaches.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/185523762599

Start Taking Responsibility to Experience Personal Growth

94% of Millennials commit to personal improvement and are more than willing to invest close to $300 per month on self-development, according to a media report. Most people believe self-improvement and doing things better can help one achieve universal desires like love, happiness, success, and prosperity.

While this theory holds some truth, reading self-improvement books, attending events or enrolling in transformative courses are of no value if you do not take action. Instead, the cycle continues, and at some point, you might lose your passion for life. Therefore, it’s essential to take responsibility for your life to become a better person.

Millennial holding self improvement book

Own Up to Your Actions

Accountability is vital for self-development, but often, people make excuses and put the blame on others when things go wrong. For instance, you might blame the teacher for awarding you low grades when, in reality, you did not study for exams. Whether you contributed to something through your actions or failed to act accordingly, taking personal responsibility for your actions, decisions and words will help you boost self-confidence, improve your relationships, and help you become a role model to others. Although owning up to mistakes is a stressful thought to grasp, it is the only way to personal improvement. Self-awareness is key to finding direction in your life.

Set Personal Goals

Setting goals can help you manage time and resources, or utilize knowledge, resulting in unlocking your potential. Outline the short-term and long-term objectives you have, such as saving money for buying a house, starting your dream business, or even contributing to community initiatives. A timeline gives you direction and motivation to stay on track. Studies show that successful people set clear personal goals and write down goals they want to achieve within a specified period. Defining and setting personal goals helps you track progress, re-evaluate objectives, and experiment new methods when you fail to attain one or two.

Live a Life of Integrity

In today’s world, living with a strong personal compass, bright ideas, honesty, and consistent principles is something many people find challenging. Some people do not allow their outward behaviors to replicate their true inner self, and others do not reveal their real identity; they put on a social persona, and in the end, become that person. Integrity is the core of who you are, what you believe in, including being honest and morally sound of yourself. You can lead a better life and improve the lives of others when you develop strong personal integrity and let your beliefs define who you are.

Take Control of Your Happiness

You are responsible for your own happiness, as it comes from inside of you. As much as achieving high goals sounds fulfilling, you cannot find happiness if you are not kind to yourself. Being kind to yourself brings you closer to achieving higher goals. According to research, happy people do things that make them cheerful every day. You too can find your happiness if you practice some steps to improve your life like treating yourself right, accepting yourself, and embracing forgiveness and change.

Accepting responsibility is a decision you need to make when positive or negative things happen because of your deeds, choices, or words. People may not agree with your decision to own up to your deeds, but it is not about what others think. Owning up makes you a better person. It shows you stand for your beliefs, values, principles, achievements, and mistakes. As a result, you gain confidence, strength, success, and create a better life for yourself and others.

About the Author: Katlyn Phelps is a freelance writer and editor who has spent most of her career working as a life coach and counselor.

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/06/start-taking-responsibility-to.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/185431640934

Get Paid to Write Udemy Course Reviews

We are looking for people to write Udemy course reviews to help guide our members to the best courses. With over 100,000 courses to choose from, our course provider has one of the largest selection of courses on the planet. Getting the word out on those courses is challenging, though, as it takes time to take the course and do a solid review on them.

If you’re interested, here’s how this will work.

  1. Take a course by clicking here, or now through June 13th, you can save a bundle on many classes by using this discounted link instead. Please note that free courses are not eligible for this offer.
  2. Write up your experience using Google Docs or Microsoft Word. It is helpful but not necessary to also record a video. Reviews should be at least 500 words, and spell and grammar checked using a tool like Grammarly.
  3. Email the review to CourseReviews@personalgrowthchannel.com.

Assuming your review is accepted and published, we’ll pay you $20!

source https://www.personalgrowthchannel.com/2019/05/get-paid-to-write-udemy-course-reviews.html

source https://personalgrowthchannel.tumblr.com/post/185271309004